Maloney Statement on the Defacement of Asphalt Green Sports Facility


Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY), author of the Never Again Education Act (HR 493) which would support Holocaust education programs in schools and address the rise of anti-Semitism across the country, released the following statement in response to reports that the Asphalt Green Upper East Side sports facility had been defaced by swastikas.

"I am deeply disturbed to hear of yet another anti-Semitic attack in my community. On Wednesday evening, Asphalt Green's Upper East Side campus was defaced with swastikas covering its walls and fixtures. Sadly, this incident is part of an alarming spike in anti-Semitic attacks, hate crimes, and rhetoric throughout New York City and our nation. New York City is a place where diversity is meant to be celebrated, yet there has been a 72% increase in anti-Semitic attacks including beatings and the vandalism of synagogues.

"These hateful acts are absolutely intolerable and I am committed to taking proactive steps to combat anti-Semitism. I have introduced the Never Again Education Act, HR 943, so that all Americans can learn about the Holocaust and the consequences of hate and was proud to support yesterday's House resolution against anti-Semitism, bigotry, and hatred. Anti-Semitism has no place in this country and I will continue to work to eliminate its presence in my district and throughout the nation."
